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Once I knew that my sketches and doodles would work as embroidered designs, I couldn’t wait to get started. Finding the right software – well that was the next milestone. I searched, trawled the internet, trialled a couple of things but couldn’t get a real sense of how it all worked. When I finally found the software I wanted to use, I hit a brick wall ! The software wasn’t Mac compatible. What design software doesn’t work on a Mac? So in order to trial the software for 30 days, I had to use an old PC laptop. But it was so old, I practically had to wind it up to get it started. I was getting nowhere fast.

It was suggested to me that I use Windows Parallel on my Mac, in order to run the embroidery software. My precious Mac! How could I put Windows Parallel on my Mac! Could I? Should I? Did I have any choice?

Windows Parallel – I had no choice. My poor Mac – after spending its days in calm, uninterrupted, organised glory, it was suddenly hit with the very bossy, conflicting, take over bid of an operating system that tries to control your life!! My Mac and me, we were not happy …